
MaisonFabricantesDiodes Incorporated

Diodes Incorporated


Diodes Incorporated delivers high-quality semiconductor products to the world’s leading companies in the automotive, industrial, computing, consumer electronics, and communications markets. They leverage their expanded product portfolio of discrete, analog, and mixed-signal products and leading-edge packaging technology to meet customers’ needs. Their broad range of application-specific solutions and solutions-focused sales, coupled with worldwide operations of 32 sites, including engineering, testing, manufacturing, and customer service, enables them to be a premier provider for high-volume, high-growth markets.

Crystals, Oscillators, Resonators (5105)

Transistors (16)

FETs, MOSFETs (18)

Integrated Circuits (ICs) (36)

Linear (34)

Memory (77)

Memory Cards, Modules (266)

Power Supplies - External/Internal (Off-Board) (362)

RF/IF and RFID (31)

Chipmall.com Limited.


(86) 755-83957775

Mon-Fri: 09:30 AM-19:00 PM

Rm 4301, Century Place Duhuixuan, No.3018 Shennan Middle Rd, Futian Dist, Shenzhen, 518031 Chine


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Trustscore 4.8